Albas 3013 Betasid

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Betamethasone 17α-valerate (a derivative of Betamethasone) is reported as an ingredient of Betasid in the following countries:

this technology permits you to extend the permissible period of application of the herbicide and provides increased flexibility in the choice of terms.

Betaseed annually invests approximately 15% of its annual profit in research and development, with the goal of improving the performance of sugar beet hybrids. The best combination of high yield and sustainability in our hybrids makes Betaseed a reliable partner for any beet growers. This is confirmed by the result of the work of the North American market, where the company has been leading for over 15 years..

Betaseed will be primarily focused on incorporating promising hybrids in registration trials in Switzerland, Germany, Italy and Poland and will submit applications to complete the required registration..

Betaseed was founded in Minnesota (USA) in 1969. For over 50 years, the company has been successfully breeding sugar beet hybrids. The company's head office is located in Bloomington, Minnesota. Randolph, Kimberly, Morehead and Shakopee - We are constantly working to increase the productivity and sustainability of our sugar beet hybrids.

A single-seeded hybrid triploid has a sterile basis. It is included in the State Register for the Central Black Soil (5) region. The average yield of root crops in the region is 471 kg / ha, sugar content 18.3%, sugar collection 86 kg / ha, 56 kg / ha, 0.2%, 11 kg / ha, respectively, higher than the average standard. The mass of the crop is 552 g. Over the years of field trials in the Central Black Earth, medium was affected by cercosporosis, above average - powdery mildew, strongly-root eater.

Description, main characteristics • Normal-sugar type hybrid, NZ • Highly productive hybrid • It shows good adaptive ability • Allows to achieve good results even in difficult conditions for sugar beet cultivation • Tolerant to cercosporosis, ramulariosis and powdery mildew • It has good root Harvesting time Recommended for early and medium harvesting.

In 2013, one of the field's experiences in the Krasnodar Territory in the Vyselkovsky District. The experience was ugly in a crop rotation in the link: corn for green fodder - winter wheat - sugar beets. Soils of the experimental plot: weakly leached chernozem with humus content in the arable horizon (0-30 cm) 3.5- + 4.0%; the upper horizon is close to neutral (pH 6.8 - 7.2); the total phosphorus content from 0.18 to 0.24%, the total potassium content from 1.5 to 2%, the total nitrogen in the arable layer from 0.20 to 0.40%; the composition of the absorbed bases is Ca and Mg. The average annual precipitation is 550-650 mm. The sum of active temperatures during the growing season, on average over the years, is over 3500 0 С.

The same climatic conditions of sugar beet cultivation in some regions of the United States and the Russian Federation, as well as in the United States. America) prompted BETASEED to begin promoting their products on the Russian market. To date, the hybrids of this company have established themselves from the best side of the world. Krasnodar Krai, Tambov, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Kursk, Oryol and other regions of the European part of the Russian Federation.

The index of plant standing and the uniformity of their distribution in a row have a significant effect on the size of beet root crops. Based on many years of research, the optimal value of growth in the Russian Federation. According to Ya.V. Gubanova (1978) optimal density with natural moisture and with the arrangement of leaves with a form - a semi-permanent rosette for the central zone of the Kuban is 90-95 thousand plants per ha by the time of harvesting. In the experimental plot, the density of crop seedlings in 2013, depending on the hybrid, varied from 100 to 110 thousand plants per 1 ha. During the growing season and before harvesting, the density of standards for all tested hybrids was approximately, and for harvesting amounted to 95-97 thousand plants per ha.

Το φουσιδικό οξύ (fusidic acid) δρα παρεμβαίνοντας στη σύνθεση βακτηριακών πρωτεϊνών, ειδικά με την πρόληψη της μετατόπισης της επιμήκυνσης του παράγοντα G (EF-G) από το ριβόσωμα. Επίσης, μπορεί να εμποδίσει και να αναστείλει την λειτουργία των ενζύμων της ακετυλοτρανσφεράσης της χλωρα.

Η βηταμεθαζόνη (betamethasone) κατατάσσεται ως προς τη δραστικότητα της στα ισχυρά τοπικά καρτικοστεροειδή κι άι.

And the German Scientist D. Shpaar in his book "Sugar Beet" (Minsk, 2004) on page 59 notes: "According to old literature data, the transpiration coefficient for sugar beet varies from 250 to 500 liters. H2O / kg dry weight. It depends on temperature, insolation, soil moisture, availability of nutrients, standard density, variety and other factors. According to more modern sources of literature, this coefficient ranges from 188 to 210 liters. water per 1 kg of dry weight. It is likely that this was achieved through breeding progress. ".

It is worth noting that temperature conditions, soil cover, the situation with plant pathogens, the structure of the growing business in the beet-growing regions of the United States and the Russian Federation are similar. This allows Betasid, when developing new hybrids for the Russian market, to use the most advanced genetic material in its work, which has managed to establish itself in the fields of American beet growers. As a result, the material is oriented to certain growing conditions in the Russian Federation.

Breeding new hybrids is a complex process. Breeders need to create hybrids that best meet the requirements of the modern market and have the necessary economically viable traits. Therefore, work is ongoing.

Published on: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 The food enzyme 4 - α - d - glucan glucohydrolase (EC is produced with a genetically modified Trichoderma reesei DP - Nzh63 by Danisco US Inc. Concerns. The food enzyme is free from viable cells of the production organism and recombinant DNA. The glucan 1,4 - α - glucosidase is intended for use in distilled alcohol production. Since residual amounts of total organic solids are removed by distillation (> 99%), toxicologic.

EU / 3/14/1243 (Active substance: Recombinant human acid ceramidase) - Transfer of orphan designation - Commission Decision (2019) 7391 of Wed, 09 Oct 2019 - European Medicines Agency (EMA) procedure number: EMA / OD / 0000007484.

Published on: Thu, 21 Nov 2019 The food enzyme α-amylase (4-α-d-glucan glucanhydrolase, EC is produced with the genetically modified strain of Bacillus licheniformis DP-Dzb25 by Danisco US Inc. It is intended to be used in distilled alcohol production, starch processing for the production of glucose syrups, and in brewing processes. These results have been compiled from the dietary analysis and have not been calculated for these food processes. based .